Tuesday, January 27, 2009

let me properly introduce myself.

I honestly don't know who could be reading this or if anyone is but I if there is someone out there who's intrested then I think they have the right to know into whom in which is writing the nonsense.

I'm Jade. I'm currently finishing up my Senior year. no worries I'm only in school until 2 so I've become completely detatched from everyone in my school; in simple terms means I don't talk much at school. I'm eighteen, I have two tattoos (yes, you're looking at one of them to you're left) and I'm learning to love the skin I'm in. I enjoy long showers, movies, tea and dirty jokes. Basically, I've made this my experiment. I have a tumblr, flickr, myspace, facebook and livejournal. But I don't feel as if I could add this one to any of those list. This blog is more for my pictures and my growth in becoming more creative because I feel like I've been losing my spark. I' love random people talking to me, constructive critsim and everything else. I'll always respond so don't be shy; I'm all eyes.

just loving my hands in this.
Don't actually wear my glasses much, but I should.

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's only the beginning

It's a new year and I decided to do more a serious blog. something that interpretates me and my pictures ...but mostly my pictures because it's kind of my niche. everyone has a purpose and I feel like this is it. Maybe you think I'm mediocure which is okay because I don't know if I'm destined for greatness but I love what I do. Loving this is more important to me then just being fantastic at it.